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培训首页 > 采购管理培训问答 > 上海帕迪怎么样?



1235浏览 2011-03-24

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    上海帕迪已在上海厚学网注册登记,并发布了10门课程,共有13人浏览,其中2人进行了报名咨询,下面是学校的简要介绍:  上海帕迪企业管理咨询公司是一家面向企业提供管理咨询服务的专业顾问公司,我们为企业提供各种量身订做的培训项目, 长期以来在企业中享有良好的声誉和较大的影响.      我们已经形成了以企业管理为核心,涉及到战略管理、生产管理、人力资源管理﹑采购和物流管理﹑项目管理、质量管理、市场营销、财务管理和office在管理中的应用等多个系统化培训领域,帕迪公司致力于为企业创新及差异化管理提供整体解决方案.我公司拥有的团队,他们专业,积累了跨国企业的丰富管理经验,他们既有培训中心派的理论功底,又有实战派的实践经验,他们紧紧跟随国际企业管理的理论与实践,为中国企业发展排忧解难. 为中国企业改革指点迷津.     帕迪公司强烈的使命感,让我们讲诚信、讲原则、负责任.我们不断变革追求企业的可持续发展,不断为客户创造价值,将先进的管理理念融入到实际的工作之中,为企业提供行之有效的管理培训方案,帮助企业提升核心竞争力.      帕迪理念:以人为本、不断创新、卓越服务、共同发展.      帕迪使命:企业的合作伙伴,提升企业竞争力.      公开课程:涵盖综合管理、人力资源、生产管理、营销管理、采购物流、项目管理、财务管理等领域.      企业内训:我们会根据企业实际需求,为企业培训方案。      广告服务:为广大培训机构,培训师及参训企业提供培训课程、企业形象等多方面广告宣传服务。            Shanghai Pardi business management&consultation corporation is a specialized consultant company  providing management and consultation service. So we provide many kinds of training programs for companys,titled highly   reputition and large influence during long running.         We encircle the core of productive,operative management,referring to multi-systemic fields of stratigy management,human resouces management,quality management,supply chain management and finance  management  etc. We have been devoting ourselves to providing the schemes for enterprise innovation and diversity managements. And we have first-class expert groups with distinguished repuatation,abound  management experience  regardless of thoery or practice, they give directions for company’s reform. And we are closely following  international management leading edge,helping chinese enterprise out of troubles.         Our strongly mission endows us with honesty,displine and responsibilty. And we seek sustained development for enterprises,create value for customers and put the advanced management idea into practice. And we provide  effective management training schemes, helping the enterprise improve their conpetition.   Pardi’s Idea :with human foundation, continued innovation,superier service and common development.   Pardi’s Mission: Being good partner of excelent coporation, completely improving

    2011-03-24 02:31:45