

雅思口语Part 2主体部分扩充技巧

317 2013-12-30 13:59:03


雅思口语Part 2主体部分扩充技巧

在雅思口语Part 2的话题陈述中,有好的开头还不够,考生必须学会如何在主体部分中扩充自己的想法,在2分钟的时间内有效而合理地阐述自己的观点,同时还要让考官留下深刻的印象,这就需要一定的技巧和练习。纵观雅思口语Part 2话题,我们不难发现,Part 2话题卡的每一个要点都是围绕着5个W和1个H,即when,where,who,what,why和how。考生在准备Part 2话题的主干部分时,建议从这6个角度切入,合理有效地进行扩充。

  • When相关问题
  • Although I don’t have a good memory, I can still remember that day quite clearly, because it is meaningful to me. I met him/her on ….
  • I … on …. Maybe it is a very normal day for you, but if you have the same experience with me, I am sure you’ll also remember that day as clear as me.
  • Time is either a good thing or a bad thing, it gives us the future, but takes our past. Douglas Adams once said, “Time is an illusion”. So it should be hard for me to remember the day when it happened. But, you know, different people have their own special day. For me, that day is such one, and I can clearly remember it is on ….
  • Where相关问题
  • Over these years, the place has been changing dramatically, people barely recognize it. For me, however, it is still the same as it was, which is in the city center as well as my deep memory.
  • It is in the city center, a very beautiful place. If you’d like, I’m very happy to show you around there, and you’ll like it.
  • For different people, there are various places for this thing to happen, such as park, forest, restaurant and so on. Of course different place has their stories for different people. But for me, it happens in the city center, which has an unforgettable story.
  • Who相关问题
  • The person I want to describe is…. To put it more precisely, she is…
  • In your life, there are always some people who give you a deep memory. Some people come to your life for a reason, some people for a season, but some people for a lifetime. Of course, not everyone will meet their lifetime people. But for me, there is a person who I would like to stay together for a lifetime. He is ...
  • Although I don’t have a good memory, I can still remember when I often go there, because I often go there with …, who always leave me with the best memory.
  • What相关问题
  • Because he/she/it left me a very deep impression, so I know him/her/it quite well. So I can tell you without hesitation that….
  • If it is possible, I really want you to meet/see he/she/it, and you will know more about the felling when I am talking about he/she/it.
  • He/She/It has two different aspects, and it’s hard for me to pick one, just as Robert Frost says in this poem, “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I couldn't travel both”. But now, I want to choose one aspect to say.
  • It’s better for you to understand if I say something which is different from A. In contrast, B is…. But for A, this is not the case.
  • Why相关问题
扩充这个要点的方法,类似于回答Part 1原因类的问题,考生可以举出相关的例子,将描述变得充实,但一定要注意表达的逻辑性。请看以下例子:
  • The reasons might sound too general if I don’t go into details….
  • There are several reasons why…. On one hand… On the other hand… But from my point of view, there are three other reasons. At first… Next… Finally…
  • There are several reasons why…. It is interesting, and I am happy to do it; it is challenging. There are so many different things to do about it so I don’t feel boring to do it; it helps me to learn a lot by doing it, especially perseverance, confidence and optimism ; it gives meaning to my life, so I don’t feel my life is empty; it gives me something to do, and always keep me up and remind me that life is a miracle, so you should live it; it gives me a sense of achievement, because I feel I am a hero when I am doing it.
  • There are several reasons why…. It is lovely and beautiful. Every time I see it, I feel happy and excited; it is very famous, and attracts many people to see it; it is meaningful. There are so many stories in it. For me, it also reminds me of the time I had with my family and friends; it is inspiring. Although other people think it is a common place, I always relate it to my dream, that is, to make the world a better place.
  • How相关问题
  • You may ask me how…, but before I explain, I’d like you to imagine that …, and …. After this thinking, you might know how I feel about …, right?
以上分别从when,where,who,what,why和how角度,为考生们梳理了雅思口语Part 2话题主体部分的扩充方法。当然,扩充的方法不仅仅只有以上几种。考生们可以充分发挥自己的主观意识,形成自己的扩充思路。但是同时也要注意不要因此而形成太为固定的思路,从而将思维僵化。在实际的考试中,要做到自然表达,随机应变。



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