




大连跃文汉语培训培训中心招收世界各国来华留学的中、小学生,为他们提供汉语学习和培训课程。采用分级教学,组织学生参加HSK考试,成绩优异。汉语中心开设文化体验课程,促进留学生与中国学生之间的互动交流。本中心语言课程与学历课程紧密衔接,为留学生报考中国或其它的培训中心提供辅导。   The IWEN Chinese Language school the International Department offers Chinese language courses and programs for international students from all over the world. We organize classes according to the students’ language proficiency, and our candidates are always have perfect performances in HSK test. Our students will benefit from the course named “Experience Chinese Culture”, and enjoy the chance of getting together with the local Chinese students. In this centre, the Chinese language courses have intimate relation with other academic courses and comprehensive guidance is available for application to universities in China, or other countries.   服务对象:   The target of service:   1、来中国学习的国外中小学生,为其提供汉语课程、文化体验课程等课程。For the students who are studying in China now, Courses are required such as Chinese language courses, opportunities to experience Chinese Culture.   2、报考中国培训中心的外国学生,为其提供前的辅导课程。   For the students who apply for China’s universities, preparation and guidance are applied for the entrance application and examination.   3、其他国际学生,为其提供汉语培训课程。   For the students who come to learn Chinese, professional & systematic language training are required.   学生发展方向:   Our students’ will   1、在中国学习汉语及学历课程,报考中国培训中心。   Accept the Chinese language and other academic courses in China and apply for a Chinese university .   2、在中国学习汉语,接受国际化教育,然后出国上中学或培训中心。   Learn the Chinese language here, while accepting an internationalized education, and enter a high school or a university overseas.   3、在中国学习汉语,日后回到本国继续接受学历教育。   Learn Chinese language here and then return to their own country.   班级设置:   Class Placement:   1、长期学习 ①基础班——汉语零基础 ② 初级班——学过一年汉语,HSK基础级   ③中、班——学过二年汉语,HSK四至八级1、Long-term ① Beginners’ Class② Basic Class: students with 1-year study in Chinese / basic level of HSK   ③ Intermediate-advanced Class: students with 2-year study in Chinese / 4-8 level of HSK   2、短期培训 ①口语听力班   ②阅读写作班   2、Short-term ① Class of Speaking & Listening   ② Class of Reading & Writing   3、汉语水平考试(简称HSK)辅导班   3、Class of Chinese Language Proficiency(HSK)Test Preparation   4、学历课程班 ①初中班   ②高中班   4、Academic Class ① Junior High School Class   ② Senior High School Class   5、汉语冬/夏令营   5、Winter Program / Chinese Summer   课程设置:   Curriculum   汉语课程包括汉语词汇、生活用语、口语听力训练、阅读和写作、中国古诗文、学习使用汉语工具书等。   Chinese language: vocabulary, daily dictions, speaking & listening, reading & writing, Chinese ancient poems, usage of Chinese dictionary and other reference books.   中国艺术课包括学唱京剧、中文歌曲,中国书法、国画、篆刻和具有中国民族特色的手工制作等。   Chinese art: Beijing opera, Chinese song, traditional calligraphy, seal cutting and some other handcrafts with distinct Chinese traditional features.   体育活动设武术、太极拳(扇)、篮球、足球、排球、羽毛球、乒乓球、游泳等。   Sports: martial arts, shadowboxing, basketball, football, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, swimming, etc. www.easydalian.com 0 shi@easydalian.com 地址:辽宁省大连市中山区友好路101号曼哈顿2座29楼



