Find what to say in your favorite topics.
We all have things we are passionate about: activities, hobbies, projects, goals, ideas or jobs. Take some time to make a short but relevant list with the things you are most passionate about, and would make easy conversational topics for you.
1. 英语基础薄弱的初学者
2. 发音不标准的英语学习者;
3. 有一定英语基础,但由于口语词汇、句型的缺乏而张不开口,进而造成听力水平无 法提高的英语学习者;
4. 欲在一定时间内提高英语水平,准备参加各种考试的学员;
1. 基础语音:包括英语里的元音、辅音、重读、节奏、连读、语调等;
2. 语汇和句型: 逐一解析日常生活场景的对话、句型、及语汇、表达方法;
1. 中外教的合理教学搭配;
2. 侧重口语“内功修炼”;
3. 小班制授课,逐个纠正;
4. 采用情景教学法及交际教学法;
1. 树立开口说英语的自信和勇气;
2. 迅速突破发音关,摆脱中式发音的困扰,树立正确的发音习惯;
3. 积累常用的口语句型和地道的词汇,并将之脱口而出;
4. 可用所学句型简单明了地交谈有关个人的学习情况和业余时间的活动;
Ask open ended questions.
One way to keep a conversation going is to get the other person talking. And the best way to do this is by addressing her open ended questions. These are questions which require more than simple 'yes' or 'no' answers, and offer the possibility of much richer answers.