全外教幼幼班CP课程介绍(3-5岁) 岁儿童很能吸收新的知识,我们采用寓教于乐的教学方式,让幼儿喜欢学习,也更喜欢到夏恩来上课。CP 年龄的孩子正需要适应团体生活,我们秉承英国的教育模式,培养孩子优良品格。如教孩子懂得礼仪,关心他人等。 教材特色 利用 Motor Skills 训练孩子的肌肉协调、平衡及控制等能力,掌握Cross Referencing 学习法,学会温故知新。 教学目标 通过学习,孩子能够进行简单的英语会话,听懂并说出颜色、身体部位、食物、数字等八大类词汇,学会十几个句型。 周岁表 Kids aged there to four, are great at absorbing new knowledge. A t Shane, they first experience learning through having fun before progressing later to more formal classroom situations at school. It is the perfect stage to introduce them to team work and accordingly, we adhere to the principles and style of British education. We aim to cultivate the students moral character, etiquette, discipline and fellowship by language acquisition---this is how Shane differs from others 幼儿班CK Introduction CK简介(5-7周岁) 由于 CK 年龄的孩子个体差异较大,夏恩给孩子们提供了良好的英语学习环境和科学的英语入门课程,教会并反复操练 Cross Referencing 学习法后,孩子们能运用现有的知识去解决问题,这为他们将来的英语学习奠定 了良好的基础,并逐渐培养了孩子的良好学习习惯与品行。 教材特色 针对幼儿年龄设计了以学生为中心的互动式英语学习,内容包括数字、颜色、动物、食物、动作、行为、问候语、教室词汇及行为指令等。 教学目标 认读三个字母组成的单词,理解单复数的含义,造一些简单的句子,无需经过中文思考,就能进行简单的英语对话交流。 周岁表 Kids, aged five to seven, are individually different in terms of language acquisition Therefore, we offer appropriate entrance courses which allow the kids to bee immersed in an English-learning environment. In particular, our way of CR0SSREFERENCING enables kids to associate the known with the unknown so as to explore more of the English world.