少年班Introduction CJ简介(13-18周岁) 在夏恩,全外教的教学环境对英语听、说、读、写四种技能的提高有着潜移默化的影响。此阶段的教学将注重四种技能的综合发展;外教将精心选取孩子喜欢的话题做教学导入,引出教学内容,在具趣味性、实用性的教学中提高孩子们的语言能力。 教材特色 此套教材的内容设计包括语法、阅读、听力、写作和口语,加强全方面的英语技能。本套教材的特色之一就是取材自当代知名的文学作品,从这些小说或者诗歌之中截取精华内容作为教材;此外,在口语部分涉及到简报技巧,讨论和辩论的应用,并在写作部分针对不同目的的文章提供写作技术说明及写作范本,是学生提高英语水平,达到阶段的佳辅助工具。 教学目标 学习大量高频词汇及用法,操练常用会话句型,掌握更完善的语法体系,领略西方文化世界,最终可达到培训中心英语六级水平或雅思成绩。 周岁表 Children, aged thirteen to eighteen, have been developing the four skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing to a certain extent. Students from Shane are superior to other kids in terms of listening as a result of being taught only by native speakers. This aspect also contributes to the gradual and subtle enhancement of the four skills. Shane teachers meticulously select appealing topics, of which kids at this stage are fond, as the lead-up to the real content of teaching in class. This method plays a significant role in getting kids motivated and making the courses more fun and practical