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  ① 显示欠款金额;

  ② 表明拖欠时间;

  ③ 为挽救这一情况向对方提出具体要求。

  ⑴ 时间间隔

  ⑵ 催款信的内容


  ⑴ 催款信一般有三个要素:

  ① 摆明事实

  ② 要求付款

  ③ 催促付款。






  C. 通报过期未结账款的详情并表示担忧此事



  ① We expect to receive payment within the next three days.

  ② We should be grateful if you could settle your account within the next three days.



  A. 提出其他更好的付款方案,一般要求对方立即结清期款项,余下的账款分期错开(staggered)支付。

  B. 用遗憾的语气提出警告,表明若不按时支付将采取进一步行动。


  ① In the light of your present financial difficulties, we are prepared to accept an immediate payment of US$1,600 with the balance being settled over the next two months.

  ② If you prefer, we should be prepared to accept a series of staggered payments over the coming three months.


  If you are unable to settle your account by the end of next week, I am afraid we will be forced to pass the matter over to our legal department.

  u 上述斜体部分也可以这样表达:

  ① We regret we shall have no alternative but to…

  ② I greatly regret that I shall be obliged to…

  ③ Unfortunately, I shall be compelled to…

  ④ Regrettably I shall have no choice but to…


  ① We should hate to lose a valued customer like yourself.

  ② We hope that this temporary problem will not stop our doing business with you in the future.
