济南雅思辅导?在雅思听力考试中,会遇到很多的连读,很多考生就蒙了。中国的考生习惯把句子当中的每一个单词都读的很清楚,然而native english speaker在说话的时候会把很多单词都连在一起发音或者弱读。所以,你的发音习惯与雅思听力中的speaker们完全不一样,又怎么可能听懂他们在说些什么呢?今天济南雅思辅导的老师和大家分享的是雅思听力当中的连读训练:
she turned around with the boiled potatoes in the source pan to take them to the sink and i was right behind her, so she hit me around the head with the source pan with boiling water in it and it all spilled down onto my shoulder, and splattered my face and went all over my shoulder and burnt me.
这段话在你的脑海中应该是以上这样的读法, 但是在运用了连读后会变成…
she turndaroundwiththeboiled potatoes inthe source pan to takethem to the sink and i was right behind her, so she hit me round the head with the source pan with boiling water in nit and it tall spill down nonto my shoulder, and splattered my face and went all lovermy shoulder and burn me.
济南雅思辅导老师指出重视起来听力当中的连读技巧吧,自己平时在口语中就把它练起来, 这样一箭双雕,岂不是事半功倍!