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  1、策略:在没听懂考官的问题的情况下应该怎样反映?where is the whereabouts of your hometown? (whereabouts= location)如果没不知道whereabouts的意思,可以问考官:i’m not sure if i catch/got/that word. could you say that again? could you repeat it for me? could you explain/rephrase/change the word “whereabouts” to another word?

  2、can you tell me something about your hometown?可以从几个方面来谈:weather, food(unique: spicy, salty…), population, architecture, history, dialect, 好是说家乡的特产specialty.e.g.: it’s a very nice city. its scenery is great.(there’re lots of mountains around it….) by the sea/lake, costal area, surrounded by mountainsthe city has a strong identity of its own.it has a striking combination of ancient and modern architecture. people are very friendly.西方人在这个话题上比较喜欢讨论nightlife(bar/pub/club, social life, restaurant, theatre, cinema…)


  3、do you think your hometown a good place for young people to live?⑴ education方面:there’re many colleges and universities there. youths can get the best education ever.⑵ job opportunity方面⑶ entertainment/nightlife方面⑷ modern life style方面:fast/slow pace of life, cost of living, living standard/standard of living, quality of life…


  4、how can you make comparison between beijing and your hometown?(讲义p2)可以从表格里的几个方面进行讨论:nicer weatherbetter nightlifecheaper restaurantsbigger hotelsbetter sightseeingolder neighborhoodsbetter public transportationfriendlier people⑴ weather: the air is dry/humid, the climate is windy/mild, extremely hot/cold, extreme climate(very hot in summer, very cold in winter)⑵ cheaper restaurants: 多用detail information来论证,用具体实例和数字来论证。e.g.: if you go to a restaurant in beijing, it’ll cost you 100 yuan. but if you go to a similar restaurant in dalian, it’ll be just 2/3 of the price in beijing.⑶ better public transportation: what kind of public transportation of people around you? e.g.: taxi, bus, (underground) subway, light railway,… what can be done to improve the public transportation? e.g.: enforce the management, develop the underground subway, improve the city road systems and encourage people to use the public transportation…* make it more accessible to disabled people(people with disabilities) , old people and people on low-income; maintain the road system/ keep the roads in good condition…
