南通雅思 (ielts)培训|雅思口语考试中真的需要用到习语吗
一直以来,许多的烤鸭对于这个问题都有疑问。我们也能看到一些同学在备考口语考试时会特意背很多的习语,认为英语中的习语相当于中文中的成语,如果在 response 中加入一些习语会显得听起来很。
在的评分准则中,对词汇运用的一项,有这样的要求:南通雅思 (ielts)培训
9 分标准
uses vocabulary with full flexibility and precision in all topics
uses idiomatic language naturally and accurately
8 分标准
uses a wide vocabulary resource readily and flexibly to convey precise meaning
uses less common and idiomatic vocabulary skilfully, with occasional inaccuracies
uses paraphrase effectively as required
7 分标准
uses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topics
uses some less common and idiomatic vocabulary and shows some awareness of style and collocation, with some inappropriate choices
uses paraphrase effectively
评分标准里说的很清楚,一个雅思口语 7 分的烤鸭通常会使用到一些习语,哪怕用得不那么准确。一个 8 分选手通常会很灵活、自然地使用些习语,只是偶尔会运用得不准确。要是在一个特定的语境下能够准确运用一些习语,那么你是一个选手。但是很少有考生能达到这个要求,选手鲜少出现。
从评分标准来看,雅思的口语考试中需要使用到习语。既然这样,那就背上一些,列一个 list,response 的时候套几个进去。这通常是我们从评分标准里得到的。但是,这样真的可以吗?当然不是。请大家相信雅思考官训练有素,“套”几个进去搞不好会弄巧成拙。并不是说套几个进去就可以拿到 7 分了,要是把运用习语当成硬性条件,输出的恐怕会非常生硬,反而给考官留下了不好的影响。
rise and shine:
time to get out of bed and get ready for work/school.
turn a blind eye:
refuse to acknowledge something you know is real or legit.
smell a rat:
to detect somone in the group is betraying the others.
on the same page:
when multiple people all agree on the same thing.
on the fence:
out on the town:
to enjoy yourself by going out.
practice makes perfect:
by constantly practicing, you will become better.
put a sock in it:
to tell noisy person or a group to be quiet.
out of the blue:
something that suddenly and unexpectedly occurs.
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