托福听力考试部分,分成对话(conversation)和讲座(lecture)两个部分。对话首要调查校园生活相关的内容,而讲座调查的是学术类的内容,调查不同的学科。学科方面,首要分成art、life science、physical science、social science这四个部分。缩小规模,更详细地来说,常考的是biology、astronomy、art、geology、environmental science等等详细学科。在曩昔的一年中,托福考试调查的学科仍然围绕着生物、艺术、地理、地质等,调查的份额仍是很高,简直占有了调查学科的大头,考生在备考过程中仍然需求抓住生物和艺术两个高频学科。但是一些调查频度不是十分高的学科也是需求考生多留意的,以此考生可以更地应对托福听力考试。
一直以来,tpo(toefl practice online)作为ets给出的,具有极大的参考价值,目前为止,tpo已经更新到套题53了,在大量的题库中,考生可以有选择性地练习一些“小话题”学科文章的。事实上,考试中考查的很多内容在tpo套题内容中都能找到一些影子。
比如在 20170520的讲座中,有一篇文章讲的是艺术部分关于音乐的,主要讲儿童的音乐欣赏能力。教授提出在孩子很小的时候就有音乐欣赏能力,有一个学生反对,只有个别小孩小时候才有音乐天赋。教授提出学生提出的是天赋,而她所说的是欣赏音乐的能力。所以二者指的不同。接下来又有一个男同学,提出他在 6-month care center的经历来支持教授的说法。接下来,教授提出,不同的年龄段,孩子欣赏音乐能力的发展,分四步,分别是produce vowels; reproduce notes; spontaneous singing; sing simple songs. 后面教授又提出,但是等到孩子再长大些,她的音乐能力就不会进一步发展了,如果想达到专业水平,需要去上音乐培训课。
tpo43lecture2中讲到的是心理学部分关于儿童是否具有认知数量的能力,文中称为ans(approximately number sense), 教授提出这种能力是与生俱来的,动物也有这种预估数量的能力。文中讲了好几个实验,分别印证了儿童是否具有这种认知能力,以及这种预估能力是否与一些别的语言能力等相关。另外,也讲到了这种能力与传统数学能力之间的关系,是否能够相互促进并不是非常确定。
再比如20170401这场考试中考到了city planning. 教授介绍了一本建筑书籍,作者ed bacon (20th),他是20th世纪人,贡献有建造老城区及复兴society hill主张建筑与周围环境协调并考虑居住者的感受,他也受到其他建筑家的影响。
在tpo11lecture2中提到了一种叫做cape cod 的建筑,造型结构上就是form follows climate. 因为cape cod is cold in the winter. 学生还举了例子,whenever i visit my grandparents, it’s really wet. it’s usually either raining or snowing or foggy and windy, too. i guess because it’s so exposed to the ocean. 所以,托福考试考查到的内容,看似很生僻,实际上在tpo文章中都有类似的内容体现。
在tpo14lecture1的文章中,原文提到we’ve said that the term “cognition” refers to mental states like: knowing and believing, and to mental processes that we use to arrive at those states. so for example, reasoning is a cognitive process, so it’s perception. we use information that we perceive through our senses to help us make decisions to arrive at beliefs and so on. and then there are memory and imagination, which relate to the knowledge of things that happen in the past and may happen in the future. so perceiving, remembering, imagining are all internal mental processes that lead to knowing or believing.
②经济学。经济学方面,近的考试来看,作为生物、艺术以外的小学科来说,出现的概率也比较高。经济学方面,在20170701的托福考试中考了一篇文章,大概介绍了一种预算支配方式:participatory budget。1. 介绍了其优势:更透明、政府官员更了解公众需求; 2. 其实施过程中遇到的困难;3. 其效果:受益的是政府官员而不是公众,成了政府官员公关的工具。
在tpo6lectture1 economic class、tpo26lecture1 advertising class、tpo42lecture2 marketing class 中都有经济学内容的体现,包括了“boom and bust cycle”、“service recovery plan”、“brand loyalty”、“green marketing”等等经济学相关名词。
在点建议中举到的例子中,tpo43lecture2心理学模块,讲到的是关于儿童预估数量的能力(ans),在tpo10lecture4心理学,内容讲的是儿童健忘症(childhood amnesia)。
tpo43lecture2第四题what did researchers observe in the study of fourteen-year-old children?
a. the children with strong ans skills also scored well on color-naming tests
b. the children were more likely to make mistakes when there were small numbers of blue and yellow dots
c. the ans skills of the children had improved over time.
d. there were large differences in the ans skills of the children tested.
tpo14lecture4 第六题 the professor mention a study in the 1980s that tested memory in children under age 3 .what did the researchers conclude from this study?
a. young children do not develop the capacity for recall until after age 3
b. piaget’s theory linking language development to memory was incorrect
c. young children typically remember events for about nine months
d. the formation of memories is dependent upon language development
比如tpo42lecture1是一篇“marketing”的文章,文章中出现了一个专有名词,叫做“service recovery paradox”,原文描述为the paradox basically implies that customers who experience a service failure, well, they could potentially be made more loyal than customers who were satisfied in the first place if an equitable recovery occurred after the failure.
对应题目:4. what is the professor’s opinion of the service recovery paradox?
a. it should not be relied on as a way to increase customer loyalty.
b. it does not produce long-lasting benefits for the service provider.
c. it is more common in the hotel industry than in other service industries.
d. it can only be beneficial if the customer is not aware of the original failure.
在tpo32lecture2生物学文章中讲到,动物迁移过程中出现的数量的增多减少这种现象,其中有段话学生student:the article mentioned that populations of predators and their prey might go up rapidly and then decline all of a sudden. oh yeah, i read about that in my ecology class. it happens in cycles. i think that’s called a boom-and-bust cycle. right? 在这段话中出现了一个专有名词boom and bust cycle
实践上,这个词本来归于经济学词汇,英文解释为in economics, boom and bust is a process characterized by sustained increases in several economic indicators followed by a sharp and rapid contraction. it refers to a severe business cycle. 在本来的经济学范畴,实践在tpo6lecture1经济学的讲座中中也有考查过,在这篇文章中一开端now when i mention the terms “boom and bust”, what does that bring to mind?紧接着讲到了一个案例,就是一些互联网公司的兴起、盛行以及惨淡的进程。