大部分刚开始准备托福的考生,应该都在中等水平(Intermediate Level),这些考生应该如何备考呢?
Practice listening in English daily.
Gradually increase the amount of time that you spend listening, the length of the listening selections and the difficulty of the material.
每天都要进行练习,熟能生巧。听力考试对于学生 难的一点,就是时间非常长,很多学生平时没有足够的练习,考试时常觉得疲倦,走神,从而影响答题的正确性。通过每天的练习,考生可以不断提高练习材料的难度,延长练习的时间。
Listen to different kinds of materials on a variety of topics:
1. Start with familiar topics; then move to topics that are new to you.
2. Listen to audio and video material on tape/DVD or recorded from TV, radio and the Internet.
3. Listen to programs with academic content, such as NOVA, BBC and NPR broadcasts.
4. Listen to conversations and phone recordings.
Listen actively:
1. Take notes as you listen for main ideas and important details.
2. Ask yourself about basic information (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?).
3. Make predictions about what you will hear next.
4. Summarize.
5. Write down new words and expressions.
For more difficult material, listen several times:
1.First listen with English subtitles, if they are available;
2.Then, without subtitles, listen for the main ideas and key details;
3.Then listen again to fill in gaps in your basic understanding and to understand the connections
许多考生喜欢通过看国外电影、电视剧的方式来练习听力。这无疑是一个很好的方法,既可以听到 up-to-date的英语,又可以对国外的日常生活、人与人的交流、风俗文化等有直观的了解。但一般的电影或电视剧都有字幕,许多考生在看的时候,过多注意情节,而忽视其中的语言。因此建议多听几遍,在了解情节后,关注其中使用的语言。