

55 2021-04-13 09:16:48


  亲爱的朋友们,在做TPO阅读的情况下,你是不是被很多单词搞得晕头晕脑?许多 学员入门toefl阅读,见到不认识的单词会一个一个部查字典,尤其浪费时间,错过良好的机会哦!。许多 同学们由于厌烦查单词,舍弃或是耽误了托福学习。如今,为了更好地节约大伙儿的時间,小编为大伙儿梳理了TPO上的关键单词。学习这种单词吧!TOEFL之TPO阅读单词语境记忆力,让记忆力单词迅速!   新托福之TPO阅读关键单词语境记忆力17   Ancient Rome and Greece   Cohesiveness 黏合性;凝聚性   The software gives it a high degree of cohesiveness and transparency. 此软件出示了高宽比的粘聚性和清晰度。   Cohesiveness is the nucleus motive force of promoting unity behavior of a class. 团队的凝聚力是班集体团队个人行为的关键驱动力。   Peculiarly 出现异常的;特别是在的;独立地   The building is a peculiarly shaped construction. 它是一栋造型设计与众不同的房屋建筑。   These plants are peculiarly prone to disease. 这种绿色植物尤其非常容易产生病症。   Monolithic 巨大的   In this lesson, we will begin to break our single monolithic script into a number of separate functions. 在这里一节里边,大家可能把大家的一个单一的巨大的脚本制作溶解为好几个独立的涵数。   An authoritarian and monolithic system 巨大凝滞的专权身体素质   A monolithic sculpture 独块大石头雕塑作品   Utterly 完全地   I am utterly convinced of your loyalty. 我彻底相信你的忠实。   His whereabouts have been utterly unknown so far. 至今他的降落完全不明。   Obsession 困扰;迷恋   I was suffering from obsession that my career would be ended. 那时候的我深陷了我的工作有可能从此结束的困扰当中。   Winning is no longer just a goal; it becomes an obsession. 获胜不会再只是是一个总体目标,更变成一种没法解决的困扰。   Scattered 分散的   They try to round up a scattered herd of cattle. 她们尝试把分散的牲畜赶在一起。   They heard a few scattered shots. 她们听到还怎么组词稀少的响。   Stark 完全地;真是   The fool is talking stark nonsense. 这傻子彻底是在瞎说。   She seemed to have gone stark raving mad. 她好像是完全疯了。   Engender 造成;造成   She will engender difficult questions and to keep the conversation at a low temperature. 她会明确提出各种各样难懂的难题,使交谈持续保持在超低温情况。   To take an unnecessary action that will probably engender adverse effects. 采用一个多余的行動很有可能会造成负面信息实际效果。   Gravitas 庄重的举动   He is pale,dark, and authoritative, with the gravitas you might expect of a Booker prize winner. 他面色苍白,肌肤较黑,颇有威性,全身透着一种布克奖获得者应该有的端庄。   A book of extraordinary gravitas 一本十分严肃认真的书   Thorough 完全的;彻底的   We gave our room a thorough cleaning the next day. 第二天,大家完全地清扫了屋子。   She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital. 她在医院里接纳了查验。(underwent的原型是undergo)   Worshipper 星期者   The face of the worshipper must be turned towards Mecca. 星期者务必脸朝麦加。   I am not a worshipper of that film star. 我并不钦佩那一个电影明星。   Predisposed 趋向于   The inhabitants are predisposed to rheumatism by the damp climate. 因气侯湿冷,住户易患风湿症。(rheumatism风湿)   His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure. 他早前受到的修养使他热衷探险主题活动。   Disdain鄙视;鄙夷   He disdained that man for snobbishness and was unwilling to talk to him. 他鄙视那一个阵营奸险小人,不肯和他讲话。   Epistle 信件   He longed to put a little affection into his epistle. 他期盼在信上表露留血挚爱之情。   Paul finished this epistle right where he began. 韦德以尾呼应的方法来完毕这封信件。   Statesmen 政治家   The statesmen signed a protocol. 这些政治家签了认定书。   Premier Zhou was one of the greatest statesmen in the world. 周总理是世界杰出的政治家之一。   Caliber 才可以   There is no other player even remotely approaching her caliber. 就才能来讲,别的参赛选手远远地跟不上她。   He is a statesman of the highest caliber. 他是一位才可以非凡的政治家。   

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