宅男宅女 homebody 或 shut-in;indoorsman
面子工程 face job
死记硬背 cramming
散伙饭 farewell dinner
笑料 laughing stock
发票 fake invoice
天 sauna weather
决堤 breaching of the dike
上市 list share
奉子成婚 shotgun marriage
紧身服 straitjacket
住房公积金 housing funds
偶像派 idol type
上相的,上镜头的 photogenic
双赢 a win win situation
人肉搜索 flesh search
平角裤 boxers
Microblog/ Tweets
菜鸟 newbie/rookie/noob;
纯爷们儿 macho man;
大姨妈 period 或 aunt flo;
山寨 knockoff/copycat;
水货 smuggled goods;
吃货 food junkie;
电灯泡 third wheel;
囧 embarrassed/awkward;
萌 acting cute
我嘞个去:holy crap;
额滴神啊:oh my God;
我的天哪:Jesus Christ;
牛B:fring awesome;
神马东西:wt the ll;
傻了吧唧:stupid ass;
闭嘴吧你:shut the fuck up;
臭不要脸:you'e got such a nerve;
胡说八道:totally nonsense;
我看行:it wll work。
街拍 street snap;
山寨 copycat;
熟女 cougar;
炫富 flaunt wealth;
潮人 trendsetter;
愤青 young cynic;
拼车 car-pooling;
闪婚 flash marriage;
房奴 mortgage slave;
裸奔 streaking;
伪男 tomboy;
娘娘腔 sissy
麦霸 the microphone hog
裸婚 naked wedding
灵魂伴侣 soul mate
小白脸 toy boy
精神出轨 soul infidelity
剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls
异地恋 long-distance relationship
性感妈妈 yummy mummy
富二代 the rich second generation;
团购 group purchase;
Instant Kill;
80后80`s generation;
扫把星 jinx
下午茶 high tea
预约券 reservation ticket
亚健康 sub-health
钻石王老五 diamond bachelor
时尚达人 fashion icon
“逆天” “something that is extremely against nature or unnatural”