David TENG
International IELTS Test Examiner
Ph. D in Socio-linguistics from theUniversityofLondon
Professor in Modern English Language Studies
Languages (TES0L); MA International English Language Teaching & Applied Language Studies (IELT-ALS); MA English Language and Literature (ELL); BA English Education (EE)
Profession: University teacher of English, Member of World Teachers’ Association (WTA); Member of China’s Applied Linguistics Association (CALA); Member of China Education Association (CEA); International Senior Visiting Scholar (ISVS) in the University of London; The University of London IELTS Programme Supervisor; The University of Sunderland IELTS Director
Teaching: Academic writing and research methods. Theories of language and language learning, EFL learning and materials design, British and American Culture, Business English Talks and Writing
Research Interests: Critical Language and Literacies with specific reference to student academic literacies; Modern Linguistics. I am particularly interested in how students represent ideas, information and knowledge through different modes of production ranging from the conventional essay through to multimedia presented work. I am also interested in how teachers can develop students’ analytical skills through focusing on how language works in its structural forms and social contexts.
David TENG
英国伦敦培训中心社会语言学博士、英国伦敦培训中心应用语言学硕士、 英国桑德兰培训中心对外英语教学硕士、大连外国语培训中心英语文学硕士、大连外国语培训中心英语教育学学士、伦敦培训中心国际访问学者。
世界教师学会会员、 中国实用语言学会会员、中国教育学会外语教学委员会组成员、基础教育研究中心外语专业教学知道委员会核心小组成员、辽宁省培训中心英语教学委员会常务委员、辽宁省翻译学会会员。
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