1、用词不当 学生们写的作文里或多或少都会有一些用词不当的问题,但是要注意的是一些基本的错误是不能犯的。 In the show,if participators answer twenty problems that the host mentioned correctly,they will get five hundreds thousand U。S。 dollars as a prize。 problems应改为questions 2、拼写错误 这里的拼写错误不是指在考试时候的误打,而是本身对词汇拼写记忆的错误。 In conclusion,issue of whether parents are the best teachers is a plex one,requiring subjective judgement,consequently,there are no easy or certain answers。 judgement应改为judgment 3、乱用大词 First of all,children can earn money from their jobs,although there isn’t too much,but they will keep their salary gingerliness。 这里的gingerliness根本是不知所云。该句子还有以下问题: 1)该作文题目是讲学生是否应该做,因此children的出现就显得很莫名其妙; 2)although和but是不能连用的; 3)指代不明,they不知道是指代前面的什么; 4、表达中式 The second argument-it might have been noticed by others-is that in some occasion,it is quite difficult to pare parents to teachers because parents are a kind of people,teachers are a kind of vocation。