看“爱英语爱翻译”精彩点评外媒报道Chinese "Uncivilized" Tourists Behavior
英文内容分别来自BBC、Indian Times和International Business Times,一下分别用B、IT和I代替。
IT:Swiss resort introduces special trains for 'noisy' Chinese tourists
B:Switzerland: Special trains for Chinese tourists
I:Switzerland: Chinese tourists given special trains after locals complain about rudeness off piste
三个标题中,只有BBC的标题看似中性(neutral),其它两个标题有明显的贬义,尤其是第三个。Off piste这里是比喻用法,piste愿意是滑雪道的意思,这里的雪是经过压实(compact)的。如果你off piste,就是说你跑到没有人去的virgin snow上去了,潜台词就是中国人“不上路子”。
在介绍推出中国游客专车的原因时(A mountain resort in Switzerland has launched special train service for Chinese tourists),IT说:
One reason is the rising number of Chinese tourists. Another reason is complaints from other tourists about their noisy and rude behavior.
Noisy throngs of Chinese tourists disturb those who visit Mount Rigi in the Alps in search of peace and relaxation。(Throng相当于crowd,既是名词,也是动词。When people throng somewhere, they go there in great numbers).
Chinese tourists to a Swiss mountain resort are being invited to use separate trains following a spate of complaints by locals who were incensed and disgusted by their behaviour. The row is the latest example of Chinese tourists being condemned for their behaviour and being accused of being an embarrassment to their country.
I的措辞是非常激烈的,像spate、incense、disgust、row、condemn、embarrassment都是体现了措辞的激烈程度。1)Spate我们曾经介绍过,a spate of就是许多、大量的意思,一般用于不好的事情;2)if you incense sb., you make him very angry; 3)disgust都让人作呕了;4)row这里的意思是a serious disagreement,这里指当地人对中国人的厌恶;5)embarrass这个词,很多人都把它记做“尴尬”,其实汉语中说的让一个丢脸了,也可以用这个词,此处即是这个意思。比如说,你这件事做的真让你父母丢脸what you’ve done is really an embarrassment to your parents.
Some passengers have complained seeing Chinese tourists spit, shout and gesticulate while filling train carriages with sheer numbers. (Gesticulate类似汉语中的手舞足蹈,fill train carriages with sheers numbers就是形容车厢里的中国人人数众多。)
They crowd the corridors while taking pictures from the train, there has been rudeness in packed carriages, and some even report seeing tourists spit on the floor, the paper says. (这里的packed相当于crowded)
The visitors are accused of blocking corridors, crowding round windows to get photographs, spitting on compartment floors, and standing on toilet seats to relieve themselves. According to Swiss news site Blick, some have even been accused of stealing the shoes of other passengers.
几家媒体都说中国游客爱吐痰,难怪央视都说“谈吐”不应该变成“吐痰”。挡住通道、挤在窗户前拍照,在地板上吐痰,包括站在马桶上方便都可以理解,说中国游客还偷别人的鞋子,恐怕多少优点夸张。不过话说回来,我们有时候在外面看到的某些中国游客的行为,作为中国人都看不下去,就更不要说外国人了。中国教育中,其实重要,但也容易被忽视的部分,就是teach students to be good citizens。如果一切都以分数为标准,分数又何尝不是一种功利?
It is proving to be disquieting for many other tourists seeking peace and relaxation at the Mount Rigi in the Alps, the paper said. But Peter Pfenniger, head of Rigi’s railway company confirmed that tourists from Asia have helped to revive the struggling company. At the same time, “their strong presence is a challenge,” he said.
Disquieting这里相当于annoying。Struggle这个词其实初中就学过,这个词在很多语境中都很好用,比如:1) 他艰难支撑着这个家 he is struggling to sustain the family. 2) 每天早上6点钟起床对他而言是很困难的事情:he finds it a daily struggle to get up at 6:00 am. 3) 我们公司在努力保持收支平衡。Our company is struggling to break even. 顺便说一下,收支平衡点就是break-even point.
Visitors from Asia have helped to bring the struggling local railway company back on track, but, according to its chief Peter Pfenniger, "their strong presence is a challenge". (这句话中bring …back on track就相当于上文的revive。)
The influx of Chinese tourists had in general been good for business, but that "their strong presence is a challenge." The tensions are seen as due more to cultural differences than rudeness, but a related issue is that Chinese are only visiting for a short time, whereas locals head to Rigi for peace and quiet.
三家媒体都强调了中国游客对于复苏当地的struggling company/economy都是有正面影响的,但同时也都强调their strong presence is a challenge。要读懂challenge背后的含义,strong presence也是值得学习的表达。比如:员工的士气因为公司许多高层的出席而得以提升。Employee morale was greatly boosted by the strong presence of the company’s senior management.
IT:Toilets are being cleaned more often. Signs have been put up “showing how to use them correctly”, Blick reported.
BBC:Toilets are now cleaned more often, and signs have been put up "showing how to use them correctly", the paper adds.
I:Signs explaining how to use Swiss toilets will also be erected and the toilets cleaned more frequently.
中文如果被用来提醒中国人show good manners是一件非常耻辱的事情,可是说到底,这个事情又要中国人自己争气。注意上文的erect/put up signs的搭配。
The criticism irked many netizens on the Chinese social media, who said Switzerland was benefiting hugely due to tourists from China, and should not be complaining too much. Besides, it should pay special attention to the needs of Chinese tourists because they can help revive the Swiss economy.
irk的意思就是irritate/annoy。不过不高兴的逻辑好像有点问题:这就像我给某个人捐了钱,我就可以对他颐指气使么?给人带来好处没问题,但不可以以恩人自居(The patronizing attitude must be avoided).
Chinese netizens criticised the Blick report, pointing out that the increasing numbers of tourists from Asia were a good opportunity to help Switzerland's economy.
现在都在讲跨国企业要做个corporate global citizen,其实作为个体,我们走出国门,也应当做个good-mannered global citizen。
The emergence of China's middle class has led to a huge increase in tourism around the world, with 97 million Chinese travelling abroad in 2013. This has sometimes led to problems with locals. Earlier this year China's National Tourism Administration admitted keeping records of "uncivilised behaviour" that negatively affected the country's image abroad.
Examples cited included those of a student who etched(刻) his name on an ancient temple in Luxor (卢克索神庙)and that of a couple who encouraged their daughter to urinate in public in neighbouring Hong Kong. Locals accuse Chinese of being bad-mannered whereas the Chinese say the Hongkongers are snobbish.