适合人群 1.需要熟悉雅思的口语考试模式 Students who need to bee familiar with the format of the IELTS spoken exam. 2.希望在考试时驾轻就熟,轻松自如 Students who hope to find the exam easy and stress-free. 3.获得理想成绩 Students who are hoping to achieve the best result possible.
课程内容 雅思口语培训课程旨在帮助学员更有效地针对考试进行准备,课程将已学过的词汇投入应用练习,培养学员用英语进行讨论和表达观 点,不断提高英语口语能力。 本课程帮助学员熟练运用考试常用词汇、句型和题型模式,培训积极主动的沟通技巧,让学生在考试中取得,并真正提高口语能力。 Practicing learned vocabulary and developing the ability to present an argument or opinion in English, is a very important part of perfecting spoken English. This course concentrates on: helping students to practice monly used exam vocabulary, sentence structures and question types and training students in the art of being proactive in English conversation.