

8月雅思口语考试解析——口语Part 2题卡重点讲解(一)

122 2017-11-03 18:48:24


8月雅思口语考试解析——口语Part 2题卡重点讲解(一)

8月份是雅思口语考试老题卡使用的最后一个月,9月份雅思口语即将进入换题期,所以准备在8月考试的考生们应该抓紧复习高频题卡,争取在换题期之前与雅思成功分手。博英达教学团队根据之个月对雅思口语考试的全程记录,在8月份伊始,博英达教学主管William亲自带你分析3个出现频率高的雅思口语Part 2题卡(每个题卡都有近千位考生回忆)。为了让所有考生知道如何应对这三张题卡,每一张题卡William老师都会进行详细的语音示范、文本示范和词汇结构讲解。




Part 2 高频题卡期 生活计划




Useful Expression:


1. be fond of   热衷 


2. spontaneous  a. 随意的


3. .. is a bit out of shape     有一些身体走样


4.  is a bit messed up     有一点混乱


5. come up with a detailed plan    想到一个细节的计划


6. get myself back on track          让自己重回轨道


7. regimen    n. 养生计划


8. regulate   v. 规范


9. follow a rigorous diet   遵循严格的饮食


10. have a balanced diet with abundant nutrients   有充足营养成分的平衡膳食




Sample Answers:


Speaking of a plan in my life that Ive made before, that has to be the decision of joining a jogging club in my university. I am not a person who is really fond of (1) making plans and I love to do things spontaneously (2). However, things changed when I realized that I was a bit out of shape (3). Since the start of my university life, my daily routine has been a bit messed up (4). So I eventually decided to come up with a detailed plan (5) to get myself back on track (6). Then I was told by my friends that joining the jogging club would be the best option. Later, not only did I join it, but also I came up with a regimen (7) to regulate (8) my daily workout and diet. The first thing I did was that I stuck to the morning exercise everyday. I mean, I got to run over 2 kilometers each morning. Then I went to gym to do some weightlifting in the afternoon. Another thing I did was to follow a rigorous diet (9). I kind of give up on junk food and make sure I could have a balanced diet with abundant nutrients (10). My life becomes extremely fulfilling after carrying out this plan. It turned out that I became much healthier physically. Amazingly, I also made a lot of friends who have common interests with me. So this is a plan that I made recently.




博英达教育创始人,教学主管William Wen



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