Katie Pine
I am from Auckland, New Zealand. I was born and raised in Australia, and moved to New Zealand 9 years ago with my family when I was a teenager. I completed both my Bachelors Degree in Primary and Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood in Auckland. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and something that I knew I wanted to do ever since I finished High School. As a teacher, I love what I learn from children: their stories, knowledge and view of the world. My hobbies and interests include travel, movies and eating good food!I was a teacher for 3 years in Auckland before coming to Wuhan, and I am very positive and excited about teaching at EF. I am looking forward to learning lots and developing my teaching skills and abilities, as well as exploring Wuhan and traveling China while I am here.
我来自新西兰的奥克兰,我在澳大利亚出生并成长,在我9岁的时候和家里人一起搬到新西兰。我在奥克兰完了早期儿童教育的本科学历。授课对于我而言总是我的激情所在。,并且也是我高中毕业后一直想做的事情。作为一名老师,我喜欢从孩子身上学到的东西,他们的故事,他们的只是,他们对于世界的看法。我细化旅游,电影,美食。来武汉之前我在奥克兰教授3岁的小朋友, 我对于在EF 上课非常向往,希望在这里能够进一步提高我的授课技能并且更好的感受武汉这个城市以及到中国各地旅游。
★英孚简介EF英孚教育的全称“Education First”,于1965年由Bertil Hult创办。EF属于私有企业,旗下有16个下属机构及非盈利性组织,提供各种教育类课程,包括语言学习、留学旅游及学位课程以及文化交流。本着“教育,让世界无界”的使命 ,EF帮助了各年龄和国籍的人。如今,EF 英孚教育遍布全球50多个,员工多达40000多人,帮助了1500多万学员★今日英孚EF英孚教育已跃居