1. 信息——图表上所有的内容(单位,名称,比例尺,方位)
2. 组织——按照一定的逻辑安排信息的先后顺序(趋势相同或相反,大小,上升,下降,方向)
3. 词汇——上升,下降,大幅度,略微,平稳,多,减少……
4. 语法多样——换主语
其中,信息的组织和链接是极为重要的关键,下面以雅思OG Test8为例,为大家奉献一篇范文供烤鸭们研读语言的组织和链接。
The graph demonstrates the data of the yearly figure of rentals and sales of film in different types from a normal store between 2002 and 2001.
As the chart shows, rentals and DVD sales are the most popular type for people to watch movies, but they indicate different trends the whole time, during whichDVD sales are beyond rentals after 2004, topping at over 200,000 in 2007, beforethe slight falls in the late 4 years (down to 180,000 in the end). However, rentals keep decreasing steadily throughout the period from over 180,000 in 2002 to 60,000 in 2011.
By contrast, much less than the above two forms of film, VHS sales and Blu-ray sales are consumed, with the former falling deeply from 80,000 to zero in 2006 and totally replaced by the Blu-ray, which shows a gradual but less significant incline every year.
Overall, the annual number of rentals decreases gradually and DVD sales become the major way of watching films, whereas VHS sales are out of time when Blu-ray comes into the market. (175 words)