2015年由如成立于美国纽约华 尔街金融区,遥望自由女神像。
YouRu was found in 2015 at Wall Street, Financial District, New York, United States, facing the Statute of Liberty. In 2016, YouRu expanded its coverage to Shanghai, China, aiming to bridge the two metropolitan cities, New York and Shanghai. The goal of YouRu is to provide students around the globe with excellent Art & Design consulting services through inclusive attitude and comprehensive vision.
由如立志打造精英咨询,将整合全球艺术设计行业资源,联合TOP10艺术教授导师;国际时尚品牌总监及设计师;全球受关注潮流新锐艺术家,研发并 VIP 咨询课程。
We are devoted to brining only the elite consulting to our students. YouRu is your way to leading Art & Design schools, for we not only integrate the exclusive resources of Art & Design internationally, but also collaborate with many outstanding professors and lectures from the top 10 schools.
Our team members include: brand director and senior designers from the global
top fashion names, and most influential new designers around the world. We develop and customize our VIP courses specifically for our students.
纽约—上海,VIP 线上线下课程 并行,24小时不间断资源联动。 实时优化提升的教学研发团队与 严苛的教学监管团队并行,教学紧随各国际教程,并成为国际艺术设计精英咨询的先驱者。
With close cooperation between New York -Shanghai, our VIP courses are conducted both online and offline, and our resources can be continuously updated and shared. We consistently optimize our teaching materials and strictly monitor teaching methods; we make sure our teachings keep up with the current curriculum from the top schools, and we intend to be the pioneer in the elite consulting for Art & Design field.
由如关注的不仅仅只是一本作品集,助你敲开全球 0 艺术的大门,提升国际竞争力,成为跻身国际舞台的精英艺术工作者才是由如的目标。
What YouRu cares about is not just to complete a portfolio, but to stand behind our students to attend the top 10 Art & Design schools in the world, to make our students stay competitive, and to work together with our students’ way to the top of industry.