Ben was born in the UK and has spent most of his life in London. With over 50 years of experience in various fields of business, Ben offers business English students the guidance and expertise they require to enter the world of international commerce. After training as an engineer, Ben reached a senior position with a major American engineering firm, overseeing projects in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Ben later set up his own business in the UK, and has successfully branched out into London’s lucrative property market and management consultancy. This background, as well as a professional and dedicated approach to teaching, gives Ben’s students the opportunity to sharpen their English skills in preparation for the cross-border communication that is central to today’s business negotiations and multi-national management. As the World’s accepted business language, English is essential for students looking to succeed in the commercial world, something which Ben can help them do. Ben出生在英国,并且一直生活在伦敦。在拥有超过50年经商经验的前提下,他提供给希望进入国际经济领域的英语学生指导意见。在完成工程师培训后,他进入了美国一家重要的工程企业,去欧洲、亚洲和非洲进行工程监理。在英国创建自己的公司后,他进入了伦敦一家利润丰厚的房地产市场和管理咨询公司。这些经历使他拥有专业的方法去教英语并且成为他能成为跨国经营公司管理者的重要前提,这些都使得他的学生们在跨国交流技巧上更尖锐。随着英语成为通用语言,他尽力帮助他的学生们在英语成为国际贸易必需品的道路上获得成功。