当被别人夸cute,习惯谦虚的我们是不是觉得一句thank you都不太能说出口?作家Hiuyan Lam给了我们15个好点子(15 of the Best Responses When Someone Calls You Cute),让我们可以根据对方角色的不同,从容的回应类似这样的称赞!
So, you’re pretty good-looking, which means it shouldn’t come as a shock when someone calls you cute. The problem is, however, how to respond when someone calls you cute.
How to respond, of course, depends on who says it; we mean to say that it depends on if he/she is a crush. You’d respond differently to someone who doesn’t interest you than to someone who does.
In this post, we’ll explore 15 ways to respond to being called cute; we offer three scenarios and share what they mean. Let’s get started:
Five ways on how to respond when someone calls you cute: When it’s a crush
When a crush calls you cute, it can be a pretty heart-warming experience; this is because you like him/her back. You might be flabbergasted when you hear the comment, so you should be prepared in case it ever does happen.