Because while the truncheon may be used in lie of conversation,words will always retain their power.
Artists used the lies to tell the truth, while politicians used them to cover the truth up.
Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch, we are free.
That with devotiors visage and pious action. we do sugar o'er the devil himself.
Certainly there are those, who are more responsible than others. And they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty....you need only look into a mirror.
And thus I clothe my naked villainy, with old odd ends, and seem a saint, when most I play the devil. stolen forth from holy writ..
You trusted me. It would be terrible manners for me not to trust you.
你信任了我,如果我不能 信任你的话就太无礼了
You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
There are no coincidences. Only the illusion of coincidence.
when I tell you that even though I do not know you and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you.
It is not my sword, but your past that disarmed you.
The problem is that he knows us better than we know ourselves.
.Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof.
Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.This Visage, no mere Veneer of Vanity, is it Vestige of the Vox populi, now Vacant, Vanished, as the once Vital Voice of the Verisimilitude now Venerates what they once Vilified. However, this Valorous Visitation of a by-gone Vexation, stands Vivified, and has Vowed to Vanquish these Venal and Virulent Vermin vVn-guarding Vice and Vouchsafing the Violently Vicious and Voracious Violation of Volition. The only Verdict is Vengeance; a Vendetta, held as a Votive, not in Vain, for the Value and Veracity of such shall one day Vindicate the Vigilant and the Virtuous. Verily, this Vichyssoise of Verbiage Veers most Verbose Vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my Very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.
瞧啊,这是一位谦虚的杂耍老手,代表苦难命运的受害者和加害者演出。这个面罩,不只是虚华的外表,它代表着幸存的人民呼声。虽然现已空洞、没落,如同那些曾经客观的评论家们现在却屈服于那些他们曾厌恶的东西一样。但是,面对过往伤痛的强烈刺激,它焕发了生机,并决心铲除那些引来腐败堕落的邪恶虫。 遏制他们狂暴的,恶的,以及贪婪的对人性的破坏。对他们的裁决就是复仇。 正义和惊醒的信念不是无用的。它们的价值终将与真理的价值一同显现。当然,我这段莫名其妙的杂碎汤带来的是冗长的自我介绍。所以现在长话短说:能遇见您是我天大的荣幸,您可以叫我“V”。