

学校地址 地址:株洲外国语学校 学校地址


株洲市外国语培训中心是在省市领导的直接关怀下,于1999年创办的株洲市所民办培训中心。13年来,它已逐步发展成为一所小学至初中九年一贯制、文理并重、外语见长、有鲜明办学特色的教师持股的股份制培训中心。 Zhuzhou Foreign Language School was the first voluntary school founded under the direct leadership of the educational bureau in 1999. It is a proprietary school with its teachers as the main shareholders. In the past thirteen years, it has developed into a nine-year secondary school aiming to improve the art of foreign language teaching, and balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects. 培训中心座落在湖南省株洲市南郊的凤凰公园,傍依着凤凰山的校园干净整洁,远离尘嚣,绿树成荫,宁静幽雅;四季花香,风景秀美;现代化的教学和实验设备,覆盖全校各个角落的网络和监控系统,全新的塑胶运动场,标准的学生公寓,一应俱全,为师生创造了科学、安全、和谐的文化氛围和育人环境。 Our school is located near the Phoenix Park on the southern outskirts of Zhuzhou. Far from the crowded city, the campus is neat and clean. The students can enjoy the tranquility and beauty of this school simply by sitting under the trees and smelling the flowers. The school’s advanced teaching and laboratory equipments, monitoring system covering the whole campus, and the brand-new sports ground provide the students with a scientific, safe, and harmonious environment to study and grow. 培训中心拥有一支学历层次高、教育科研能力强、治学严谨、富有奉献精神和创新意识的师资队伍。培训中心现有教师 168 名,其中特级教师 3名,教师 28名,各学科省市级带头人8名;目前的在校学生将近3000 名。 Teachers with high education work at our school. They are good at educating and researching, and are highly creative and dedicated. There are about 3000 students and 168 teachers at the moment, including 3 special grade teachers, 28 senior teachers and 8 leaders in the field of teaching. 培训中心把握质量核心,恪守人文关怀,精心构思和设计培训中心教育的每个环节。作为外语特色校,培训中心引用国外先进教材,采用生动、活泼、新颖、独特的教学方法,创设互动英语环境,培养学生运用英语的能力,教学质量优异,历届初中试,我校始终位居株洲市前茅。截止到今年,培训中心毕业学生考取清华培训中心、北京培训中心的已有25人;学生在各类中均有突出表现,大批学生进入全国各类学科前列。据不完全统计,在全国中学生英文写作大赛、中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛等各级各类英语中获一等奖共235人次;获得世界奥赛金奖的学生有8位; 6位同学蝉联2007年、2008年、2009年、2010年全国中学生羽毛球锦标赛男子双打、单打、混双亚军。 The teaching quality at our school is at the top of the list of all the middle schools in Zhuzhou. With the emphasis on teaching quality and the need of each student, we have crafted every education program. We try to create an interactive English learning environment and teach English in a more lively and vivid way. As a foreign language school, especially good at English teaching, we have introduced some advanced English text books from foreign countries and adopted original and unique teaching methods to improve the students’ study of the English language. Each year, a large number of students do well in the high school entrance examination and enroll in the key high schools. So far, 25 graduates have been admitted by Beijing University and Qinghua University. The students also give a great performance in all kinds of contests; many of them come out among the most successful candidates. According to the statistics, there are in all 235 students who have received first prize in the National Middle School Student English Composition Contest, the CCTV Stars of Hope English Talent Competition, and the English Olympics Competition. Eight students have gotten the gold medals in the World Olympic Competition, and 6 students won the men’s doubles gold medals, singles gold medals and silver medals in the National Badminton Championships. 多年来,培训中心积极探索国际化办学途径,积极开展对外交流。目前已与美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡、韩国和泰国等多个的十多所培训中心建立了姐妹校关系,经常进行互访。初中毕业生可选拔到新加坡就读,并享受全额奖学金;目前培训中心已向新加坡输送公费留学生46人,居全省。通过交流,学生开阔了视野,获得了多元文化的熏陶,养成了世界小公民心态,精神面貌蓬勃向上,阳光女孩、潇洒男孩茁壮成长。 Our school has always been searching for the ways to communicate and cooperate with foreign schools. Now we have established more than ten sister schools in the USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Thailand and so on. Some excellent graduates of our middle school have been selected to study in Singapore with a full scholarship. Our school has sent 46 students abroad, all in which have received first place in Hunan province. By communicating with students from other countries, the most studious girls and boys have absorbed a multi-cultural atmosphere. They broadened their vision, and learned to be a world citizen. 优质教育不是的专利。株洲市外国语培训中心不是培训中心。培训中心对品学兼优、上进自强、家境贫寒的学生提供助学金和奖学金,确保不让一个学生因贫困而失学,想方设法用全部的爱点燃孩子明天的希望。13年来共减免贫困学生建校费200余万元,学杂费20多万元,住宿费、伙食费50多万元。有两名宏志生考取公费留学! Excellent education is not the patent of the most exclusive classes. We provide subsidies and scholarships for the poor students excellent both in studies and behavior. We never refuse even one student because of lack of money. We try our best to kindle hope for the future to all our students. The fees for school construction we have reduced or remised for the poor students has amounted to 2,000,000 RMB, tuition200,000 RMB, board fees 500,000 RMB. Two poor students have been admitted to a Singaporean High School with full scholarships. 2010年10月株洲市外国语培训中心正式加入全国外国语培训中心工作研究会,成为全国55所会员培训中心之一。培训中心将继续推进教育国际化进程,满足社会日益增长的多层次、多样化、精品化的教育需求。 精诚团结、励精图治的株外人必将铸就株洲市外国语培训中心新的辉煌! In October of 2010, Zhuzhou Foreign Language School formally joined the National Research Committee of Foreign Language Schools and became one of the 55 member schools. Zhuzhou Foreign Language School will keep on propelling the process of educational internationalization to meet the increasing needs of the multilayered, diversified and excellent education demanded by the society. The teachers and students will unite together and strive for the bright future of Zhuzhou Foreign Language School!

