少儿班CH Introduction CH简介(10-13周岁) CH这个年龄段孩子自我控制意识比较强,学习英语的目的性更加明确。孩子们在外教带领的专题活动( project work )中,能用英语谈论自己的生活,开始了更广泛的语言应用。该课程每学期举行口试及笔试的期中、期末考试;每周一次教学,检查孩子们对所学课程的掌握情况,并进行及时的巩固和复习. 教材特色 本系列教材专为 10 ~ 13 岁的孩子设计,课程的设计分为四个不同等级,内容包括阅读、异国文化、语法、词汇、综合技巧运用、跨学科课程方面。这套完整的的教材除了书本本身设计课堂的小测试、随时确认学习成果之外,还搭配多种不同的辅助内容,包括出版社上提供的免费资源,还有DVD等多媒体内容、互动式学习教程等,让学生获得多的资源,达到佳的学习效果。 教学目标 拓展学习英语词汇,系统学习语法知识,能轻松自如的用英语进行交流,并会书写各种文体的文章,具备高中毕业生的英语水平,的可达培训中心英语四级水平。 周岁表 Children aged ten to thirteen, start to take more responsibility for their own study and develop an attitude to learning, which can be positively channeled by Shane teachers. Specifically, we place more emphasis on the building of reading skills and production of language during this period. For instance, we motivate our students by assigning PR0JECT W0RK that allows for the bination of language study with individual experience (For example: describing their own life in English). Furthermore, Shane will make a weekly teaching call to students at home in order to ensure their full understanding of the previous lesson-subject-matter.(In addition we arrange one mid-term and final exam for each class, with both a written and oral ponent)